5 Tips to Make Facebook Ads work in 2018

For any brand, effective marketing is the key to profitability. Thus, the ultimate question really is that â€how can a business ensure that its marketing strategy is successful?â€.

A variety of things go into the answer such as the activity, processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging, offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Facebook is a great platform to reach your audience. There are of course many tricks and tips to better advertising and if we are to take Facebook as a model for this article, below are some guidelines to better your Facebook ads in 2018.

1. Audience Insights on Facebook:

An exceptionally useful feature available in Facebook is ‘Audience Insights’ which provides the page/group administration with useful primary demographic data like location, age, gender, education, etc.

This data can in turn be analyzed to create an appropriate target audience, type of content, the time and day to post so you get the most out of your ads. Deciding your market ads is easier when comprehensive and relevant data is present.

2. Relevance of Ads to the Landing Page Content

There are two main reasons why the content of the landing page should essentially be in accordance to the ad itself; it helps with ad relevance scores and conversion rates. It give the user exactly what they are looking for.

A higher Ad Relevance score leads to lower cost per click, which an important factor since Facebook ads have become more competitive and subsequently more expensive over the last few years.

Secondly, relevance between your ads and the page content leads to increased trust and higher credibility of the brand as a whole to your audience. Trust is of foremost importance in online businesses because customers are more willing to insert their payment information and complete the purchase if the brand looks trustworthy.

3. Single Element Testing vs Split Testing

In place of creating multiple ads and split testing them, design variants of whichever ad presently performs the best, and alter one component at a time.

For example, take your top performing ad and make multiple replicas of it that are identical except for one component be it the headline, description or image. Then track the success of each variation, taking note of the winning elements this will lead to extreme optimization of the advert. Once this analysis is recorded the most important part is efficient combination of the winning elements to create one optimum advert.

4. Ad Placements on Facebook Ads

The best strategy is to split test ad placements, ideally employing 3 basic ad sets, one for the newsfeed right side column, second for the desktop version, and third for mobile phones is the best option.

5. Like Campaigns on Facebook Ads

Like campaigns are mainly meant to gain additional likes and not just thus it is only reasonable to exclude people who already like your page.

The way to do this is to login to your Facebook account and click ‘Create Ad’ in the top right corner, you will then be able to see the regular campaign setup. Next, you scroll down to the ‘Connections’ and select ‘Add a Connection Type’ then you choose ‘Facebook Pages’. Lastly, select the option ‘Exclude People Who Like Your Page’.

  • Additional alternatives:
  • Refined targeting
  • Geographic targeting
  • Target followers of similar brands
  • Collaborate with existing industry brands

Conclusion of your Facebook Ads:

It is important to note that the heart of your business success lies in its marketing. Most aspects of your business depend on successful marketing. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions, and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers.

While there are many ways to increase profitability, it is not wrong to say that marketing is the foremost contestant in the race for higher profits, Facebook groups/pages have dynamically transformed the shopping and service industry and thus it is important for any business to operate a successful marketing campaign on the Facebook platform.

At Dynamik Internet Marketing, we offer services helping set up and create facebook ads that convert so as a business owner you can gain conversions. To learn more about our facebook services click here or contact us.viagra professional

Google Highlighter Tool for Structured Data Is As Easy As Point, Click, and Tag

Google’s HighLighter Tool A Game Changer

Early this December, 2012; Google made waves in the internet marketing world by introducing their newest webmaster tool, data highlighter. The Google Data Highlighter Tool will remind you of a simple website building interface such as Wix and can be referred to as a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) platform in terms of its simplicity.

The highlighter tool will be used for webmasters to literally “highlight” content on a website in order to mark it as structured data for Google to index in search results. Think Google should know that your local business is hosting an event next month? Then use this tool to highlight this event on your website and Google will show this “extra information” in search results. (Here’s what’s going on in San Diego this week. Search term: San Diego events)

“Extra information” that you want displayed in search results next to your website listing is known as rich snippets. And in the past in order to have any rich snippets displayed from your website would require the editing of HTML code on numerous pages of your website. (Nobody wants to edit HTML code) But now with the Google highlighter tool you no longer need to edit any code what so ever. Instead you just click, highlight, and tag content on your website and Google does the rest.

Check out this tutorial video of the Google highlighter tool to see what we’re talking about.

As the video explains not only is the highlighter tool super easy to use but Google believes that if you highlight 5-10 pages of your website accurately and have similar content structuring on other pages of your website, that the highlighter tool will be able to automatically index the rest of your website for other “rich snippets”. So if you have many calendar events on different pages of your site then you only have to highlight a few before Google finishes highlighting the rest automatically. Unbelievable right?

Now for all you old school rich snippet experts who have been practicing the art form for many a day and would like to break out your digital highlighter this instant and start marking up product pages, authors, events, music, people, and places all over your website in some sort of frenzy….. let it be known that currently the Google highlighter tool is only available in English and can only help webmasters highlight relevant calendar events. So you’ll have to take a deep breathe and wait patiently for Google to roll out this feature to all rich snippet categories. But you better believe the game is on once Google does. Race you to it?

For now highlighting calender events on your website is a good place for anyone and everyone to start in order to understand the tool better: http://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/richsnippets

SEO Takaway: The Google highlighter tool really suggests to webmasters the need for consistency throughout website design. The simplicity of this tool should stress the creation of “rich snippet” content such as events, individual product pages, places, authors, and such.

First time you heard about this tool? Respect your elders then and share this amazing content by using a social button below! What goes around, goes around.