5 Tips to Make Facebook Ads work in 2018

For any brand, effective marketing is the key to profitability. Thus, the ultimate question really is that â€how can a business ensure that its marketing strategy is successful?â€.

A variety of things go into the answer such as the activity, processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging, offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Facebook is a great platform to reach your audience. There are of course many tricks and tips to better advertising and if we are to take Facebook as a model for this article, below are some guidelines to better your Facebook ads in 2018.

1. Audience Insights on Facebook:

An exceptionally useful feature available in Facebook is ‘Audience Insights’ which provides the page/group administration with useful primary demographic data like location, age, gender, education, etc.

This data can in turn be analyzed to create an appropriate target audience, type of content, the time and day to post so you get the most out of your ads. Deciding your market ads is easier when comprehensive and relevant data is present.

2. Relevance of Ads to the Landing Page Content

There are two main reasons why the content of the landing page should essentially be in accordance to the ad itself; it helps with ad relevance scores and conversion rates. It give the user exactly what they are looking for.

A higher Ad Relevance score leads to lower cost per click, which an important factor since Facebook ads have become more competitive and subsequently more expensive over the last few years.

Secondly, relevance between your ads and the page content leads to increased trust and higher credibility of the brand as a whole to your audience. Trust is of foremost importance in online businesses because customers are more willing to insert their payment information and complete the purchase if the brand looks trustworthy.

3. Single Element Testing vs Split Testing

In place of creating multiple ads and split testing them, design variants of whichever ad presently performs the best, and alter one component at a time.

For example, take your top performing ad and make multiple replicas of it that are identical except for one component be it the headline, description or image. Then track the success of each variation, taking note of the winning elements this will lead to extreme optimization of the advert. Once this analysis is recorded the most important part is efficient combination of the winning elements to create one optimum advert.

4. Ad Placements on Facebook Ads

The best strategy is to split test ad placements, ideally employing 3 basic ad sets, one for the newsfeed right side column, second for the desktop version, and third for mobile phones is the best option.

5. Like Campaigns on Facebook Ads

Like campaigns are mainly meant to gain additional likes and not just thus it is only reasonable to exclude people who already like your page.

The way to do this is to login to your Facebook account and click ‘Create Ad’ in the top right corner, you will then be able to see the regular campaign setup. Next, you scroll down to the ‘Connections’ and select ‘Add a Connection Type’ then you choose ‘Facebook Pages’. Lastly, select the option ‘Exclude People Who Like Your Page’.

  • Additional alternatives:
  • Refined targeting
  • Geographic targeting
  • Target followers of similar brands
  • Collaborate with existing industry brands

Conclusion of your Facebook Ads:

It is important to note that the heart of your business success lies in its marketing. Most aspects of your business depend on successful marketing. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions, and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers.

While there are many ways to increase profitability, it is not wrong to say that marketing is the foremost contestant in the race for higher profits, Facebook groups/pages have dynamically transformed the shopping and service industry and thus it is important for any business to operate a successful marketing campaign on the Facebook platform.

At Dynamik Internet Marketing, we offer services helping set up and create facebook ads that convert so as a business owner you can gain conversions. To learn more about our facebook services click here or contact us.viagra professional

Social Media Vs. Search Engine Marketing

The big internet marketing discussion over the last few years has been whether social media marketing or search engine marketing provides the greatest ROI. The debate is a certainly a good one and one which has become more difficult in 2012.

Search Vs. Social – Who is the real Winner?

In the past search engine marketing provided a greater ROI than social media. However the digital landscape has changed greatly in the past year and in 2012 it is nearly impossible to have a social or search strategy without the other. Social signals, local citations, and online reviews have gained tremendous importance in ranking algorithms and will continue to play a major role in your inbound marketing efforts.

Today, Google factors in video, Yelp reviews, and your social network before returning search results. Therefore your search engine optimization strategy must include video production, video distribution to Youtube, as well as brand management over sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Yelp.

Although the video above shows search and social to be rather even as far as total marketing value, which do you feel provides a better ROI for your business?

10 Mind Bending SEO and Social Media Stats

Ten Incredible Social and Search Stats

It is no secret that “inbound marketing”, a term coined by the genius’ at Hubspot, is beginning to dominate traditional marketing. Search Engine optimization and social media is powerful in theory because it is based upon providing consumers the information they want to see and hear where and when they want to see and hear it. Unlike traditional marketing and interruption advertising, inbound marketing delivers a message in the right context. As the social and search bandwagon grows larger more statistics allow marketers to understand just how gigantic a movement online marketing has become. Below are ten mind bending SEO and Social Media stats to juice up your Monday spirits.

1). Every minute more than 500 tweets contain YouTube Links. (SEO Chat, 2011)  TWEET THIS!

2). Firms generating 60% or more of their leads online are 2X more profitable than those generating less than 20% of their leads online. (HubSpot, 2011) TWEET THIS!

3). In the past 4 years, the web has gone from 100 million websites to 250 million. (Source: Netcraft, Dec 2010) TWEET THIS!

4). 67% of consumers conduct research online prior to purchase during the holiday season. (Source: Post Holiday Learnings for 2011 Google/OTX, Jan 2011) TWEET THIS!!

5). In 2011, the average shopper consults 10.4 sources prior to purchase, twice as many as a year ago. (Source: Google/Shopper Sciences, Zero Moment of Truth Macro Study, U.S., Apr 2011) TWEET THIS!

6). 53% of searchers purchase as a result of a smartphone search online. (Source: Google/OTX, The Mobile Movement, U.S, Apr 2011) TWEET THIS!

7). 43% of US adults say they’d be willing to give up beer for a month if it meant they could keep accessing the internet on their smartphones. (Source: Google/OTX, The Mobile Movement, U.S, Apr 2011) TWEET THIS!
8). 82.6% of internet users use search. (Source: eMarketer, July 2011) Tweet This!
9). 16% of the daily queries on Google have never been seen before. (Source: Google Internal Data 2011) Tweet This!!
10). 88% of US companies over 100 employees will use social media for marketing by 2012. (Source: eMarketer, November 2010) TWEET THIS!!

3 Steps for Better YouTube Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization is frequently referred to with reference to a website. The term itself implies that your site is search engine friendly in that it can be easily indexed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. However search engine optimization also applies to your social networking profiles such as your Facebok Profile, Twitter account, LinkedIn profile, and also to your YouTube channel. The concept is thus to make your social networking accounts optimized so that when people go looking for your account via a search engine or even from within the same social network itself, they can easily find you. The term that coins this concept is thus, social media optimization.

Step 1: Tag Your Content

One of the easiest ways to dramatically increase the likelihood that your video will be easily found on YouTube is to include as many relevant tags as possible for each video that you upload. “Tags” is simply a fancy way to say keyword and is important for helping search engine robots to find your video. Without relevant video tags one of the only ways for your video to be indexed by YouTube is via the title of the video.

Step 2: Carefully Choose Your Video Title

The single most important video tag is the title that you give your video. Many people spend a great deal of time creating video content, editing footage, adding in music and video effects, and then spend all of 30 seconds deciding on a name for their video once they have uploaded it to their YouTube channel.

When you are choosing a title for a video it is highly recommended that you use Google’s keyword tool to research what keyword phrases have the highest search volume related to your video topic. Ever since Google bought YouTube the search engine giant has begun indexing video content as relevant material for search results. In other words you can come across a YouTube video while using Google to conduct a search on “Lebron James Chokes”.

What does it mean for you as the owner of your own YouTube channel? It means several things but foremost it means you can use Google’s Keyword tool to discover the keyword terms people are using most frequently to look for material related to your video. After which you can use those exact keywords in the title of your video to increase your chances that your video will populate as a search result.

For instance lets you put together video footage from the 2011 NBA finals when the Miami Heat were playing the eventual champion Dallas Mavericks. And lets say your video is mostly composed of Lebron James highlights from the game you attended. What should you name this video to ensure it is most search engine friendly? Using Google’s keyword tool you can try out several potential video titles and choose the one which is most popular. A screen shot demonstrates below.

*** As you can see the first phrase, “Lebron James in Finals” has more monthly searches than the other two potential video titles and thus should be used for the title of your video. (Or should at least guide you to a similar title)

Step 3: YouTube Advertising

After you have carefully added tags and chosen a title for your YouTube video it is time that you start collecting views. Having a high number of video views is extremely important for your video’s rank position in YouTube. Notice when you conduct a search on YouTube how the videos on the first page of results often have thousands if not millions of views. Simply put YouTube recognizes that a video with a high number of views must have good content and thus should be top result in that it is more likely to satisfy what the viewer is searching for. Therefore it is important that your video collect as many views as possible as quickly as possible.

But how do you get a video to collect thousands of views if you have just recently uploaded it to YouTube and it is contending against many other similar videos that have been in the YouTube library for years? You advertise your video.

Advertising a brand new video on YouTube is the easiest way to collect a ton of views very quickly so that your video’s organic search ranking will increase. The strategy is simply to “pump the primer”. Advertise your video until the number of views is high enough that you are contending with other related videos on the first page of YouTube for your topic. Then you can ease up on the ads and let your organic video ranking “do the work for you” and collect views on its own.

Oh but the strategies for optimizing your YouTube channel continue on past these three tips. Or do they? Please share with us in the comment section below your favorite strategy for your video channel!