5 Tips to Make Facebook Ads work in 2018

For any brand, effective marketing is the key to profitability. Thus, the ultimate question really is that â€how can a business ensure that its marketing strategy is successful?â€.

A variety of things go into the answer such as the activity, processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging, offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Facebook is a great platform to reach your audience. There are of course many tricks and tips to better advertising and if we are to take Facebook as a model for this article, below are some guidelines to better your Facebook ads in 2018.

1. Audience Insights on Facebook:

An exceptionally useful feature available in Facebook is ‘Audience Insights’ which provides the page/group administration with useful primary demographic data like location, age, gender, education, etc.

This data can in turn be analyzed to create an appropriate target audience, type of content, the time and day to post so you get the most out of your ads. Deciding your market ads is easier when comprehensive and relevant data is present.

2. Relevance of Ads to the Landing Page Content

There are two main reasons why the content of the landing page should essentially be in accordance to the ad itself; it helps with ad relevance scores and conversion rates. It give the user exactly what they are looking for.

A higher Ad Relevance score leads to lower cost per click, which an important factor since Facebook ads have become more competitive and subsequently more expensive over the last few years.

Secondly, relevance between your ads and the page content leads to increased trust and higher credibility of the brand as a whole to your audience. Trust is of foremost importance in online businesses because customers are more willing to insert their payment information and complete the purchase if the brand looks trustworthy.

3. Single Element Testing vs Split Testing

In place of creating multiple ads and split testing them, design variants of whichever ad presently performs the best, and alter one component at a time.

For example, take your top performing ad and make multiple replicas of it that are identical except for one component be it the headline, description or image. Then track the success of each variation, taking note of the winning elements this will lead to extreme optimization of the advert. Once this analysis is recorded the most important part is efficient combination of the winning elements to create one optimum advert.

4. Ad Placements on Facebook Ads

The best strategy is to split test ad placements, ideally employing 3 basic ad sets, one for the newsfeed right side column, second for the desktop version, and third for mobile phones is the best option.

5. Like Campaigns on Facebook Ads

Like campaigns are mainly meant to gain additional likes and not just thus it is only reasonable to exclude people who already like your page.

The way to do this is to login to your Facebook account and click ‘Create Ad’ in the top right corner, you will then be able to see the regular campaign setup. Next, you scroll down to the ‘Connections’ and select ‘Add a Connection Type’ then you choose ‘Facebook Pages’. Lastly, select the option ‘Exclude People Who Like Your Page’.

  • Additional alternatives:
  • Refined targeting
  • Geographic targeting
  • Target followers of similar brands
  • Collaborate with existing industry brands

Conclusion of your Facebook Ads:

It is important to note that the heart of your business success lies in its marketing. Most aspects of your business depend on successful marketing. The overall marketing umbrella covers advertising, public relations, promotions, and sales. Marketing is a process by which a product or service is introduced and promoted to potential customers.

While there are many ways to increase profitability, it is not wrong to say that marketing is the foremost contestant in the race for higher profits, Facebook groups/pages have dynamically transformed the shopping and service industry and thus it is important for any business to operate a successful marketing campaign on the Facebook platform.

At Dynamik Internet Marketing, we offer services helping set up and create facebook ads that convert so as a business owner you can gain conversions. To learn more about our facebook services click here or contact us.viagra professional

How to Setup YouTube Cards to Drive New Business Leads

How to Setup YouTube Cards

If you haven’t heard the news, YouTube has rolled out a new “advertising” feature called, YouTube Cards.

These Cards will soon replace what we have all come to know as annotations. Annotations are those little text messages that popup over a YouTube video that you’re watching.

YouTube ad cards are a huge improvement from the outdated annotations and include an image, title, and smaller text.

They are somewhat comparable to Facebook ads in that you can use an image as part of your strategy to get your audience to click on your ad cards in order to drive them to a landing page of your choice.

Why YouTube Cards Are Better Than Annotations

Youtube Cards offer an incredible opportunity for video marketers to drive inexpensive leads and traffic to the landing page or website of their choice.

Specifically YouTube Cards will be powerful for local business marketing or any business that has a great lead magnet to give away on a landing page!

Since ad cards include an image and a larger text, they will undoubtedly convert better and receive more clicks.

Here are the three main reasons why you should immediately begin using these ad cards within your digital marketing campaign.

1). YouTube Cards Are Mobile Friendly!

(Considering 50% of YouTube traffic is attributed to mobile viewing devices, this is big. Annotations were not mobile friendly thus you lost half you audience when you used them).

2). YouTube Cards Include a Picture & Bold Text

(Similar to Facebook ads, YouTube cards include an image. However, unlike Facebook, there are no restrictions to the amount of text used in your card image. This implies big time conversions!)

3). YouTube Cards Come in 5 Variations

  1. Merchandise Cards – For anyone wanting to advertise physical products related to their video
  2. Fundraising Cards – For anyone wanting to link directly to a fundraising project on approved 3rd party sites.
  3. Video Or Playlist Cards – For anyone wanting to link directly to another related video or YouTube playlist.
  4. Fan Funding Cards – For anyone wanting to accept donations from their viewers for their awesome free content on YouTube.
  5. Associated Website Cards – For anyone wanting to drive traffic to their website or a landing page of their choice. (The card we’re most excited about).

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How YouTube Cards Can Be Used to Drive New Leads Inexpensively

YouTube cards are free to add to any video that you upload to your YouTube channel.

We can tell you right now card variation #5, the “Associated Website Card” will become the most popular amongst the card variations.

Using an associated website card you can drive new traffic to any landing page or website of your choice (that you own).

Since paid video views on YouTube come in around 2 cents per view (depending on your targeting), we would expect a great video with an attractive YouTube Card to drive website clicks at anywhere between 50 cents and a dollar.

Considering any clicks from a YouTube Card have previously watched a video with your content, it’s like your audience has already been primed to buy/ convert with what ever offer you provide them on your landing page.

How to Setup YouTube Cards

Now that you’ve been introduced to YouTube cards, lets go ahead and take a closer look at how to setup them up properly.

In the following video we will cover:

1). Where to Find YouTube Cards in your YouTube Dashboard

2). How to Confirm Your Website With YouTube so you can use the cards

3). Best Practices for creating a YouTube Card that Converts

What do you think? Will you try YouTube Cards to drive new leads for your business?

Domain Name Choice – Still a Factor To Online Success in 2013

Over the last several years Matt Cutts with Google has made made several public statements suggesting keyword rich domain names do not help your ability to rank for related keywords. It has been a topic of discussion for SEOs and marketing teams ever since. However in our own experience we have come to learn that Cutt’s statement is partly false.

The fact is that keyword rich domain names will always be crucial to your online marketing efforts. They will either work for you or against you but either way they will affect your efforts on behalf of your clients or the business you run yourself. Let us show you some proof.

Proof That Keyword Rich Domain Names Automatically Rank

Upon researching industries and keywords before entering a new online marketing niche we have found several examples that support our theory that keyword rich domain names are primed to easily beat out competing branded domain name websites. This remains true most often even if those competing websites have more page rank authority, better onsite optimization, and a more impressive inbound link profile than the keyword rich domain name. Lets take a look at some cold hard evidence.

Case Study 1: Uniforms Express

Brand URL:  www.uniformsexpress.com

Competitor URL: www.baseball-uniforms.com

Keyword phrase:baseball uniforms

In this example, Uniforms Express, has a branded domain name in which they use their company name as their URL. In comparison, a competitor snagged the domain name, “www.baseball-uniforms.com”. Upon conducting a keyword search in Google for “baseball uniforms” here are the organic results  on the first page.

As the example shows, the keyword rich domain name ranks several positions higher than the branded domain name. Well this would be ok if the keyword rich domain name had more authority, a quality inbound link profile, and great onsite optimization in comparison. But analytics show otherwise.

From the above screenshot we can see that the branded domain name, Uniforms Express, has more inbound links, a higher citation flow, a higher trust flow, a higher domain authority, a higher mozRank, and a higher mozTrust. Additionally if you were to take a look at both sites you would see the keyword rich domain, www.baseball-uniforms.com has limited content if any on their site while the branded domain, www.uniformsexpress.com has significantly more (although limited) content as well.

Considerations for Keyword Rich Domain Names Vs. Branded Domain Names

In the above example we would like our readers to note that title tags optimization does play a role in this example although not enough to help the keyword-rich domain name outrank the branded domain name on a level playing field. So what does this mean for you and your marketing efforts?

  1. Before building a website consider your industry, marketing budget, and marketing strategy. If have big money to spend then a brand name domain will work for you as long as you can expend more money on advertising and alternate brand marketing strategies. If people search online for your brand because you’re that big, ranking for keyword specific terms are not as important.
  2. For the 99% of everyone else who is not a big brand yet or does not have initial big brand marketing dollars; do everything in your power to grab a keyword rich domain name. Consider buying a keyword rich domain name if the price tag is reasonable to aid in your organic SEO efforts.

SEO Takeaway:

Keyword rich domain names will always rank because search engines don’t know if that domain name is just a keyword rich domain or if it is actually your company name. If your company name is literally “baseball uniforms” then your website should come up when somebody searches for your brand online. Confusing a bit? Yes. But a novel concept to wrap your brain around if you have a moment.

Related read: SEO for Startups and Beginners- What Google Recommends

4 of The Top Free Online Web Design Resources of 2013

Author: Lucas Rohm, Owner of Mission Bay Media, A San Diego web design firm.

Whether your field of expertise or interest is in Internet Marketing, Web Design and Development or SEO, it’s always nice to have a few tricks up your sleeve for your clients or friends. If you’re involved in editing or administering a website of any kind, there’s a chance you’ll have to perform some general Web Design related tasks, and what follows are some great (FREE) online resources and tools to streamline and optimize those tasks.

1) Dynamic Drive’s Favicon Generator –

One great, easy way to give a professional feel to any website is by including a Favicon. In case you’re not familiar, a website’s Favicon is the small image or icon that shows up next to the website’s name in the web browser’s tab or URL bar. Favicons usually come in .ICO file format. The best way to create a Favicon is to design an “iconic” representation of your site or logo in your favorite image editor, being sure to make the dimensions of that icon 16 pixels by 16 pixels. You can save that icon as a .PNG, .JPG or .GIF to start with. Once you visit Dynamic Drive’s Favicon Generator, you can upload your icon in any of the above image formats, and the Favicon Generator will allow you to download that icon in the proper .ICO format. Simply upload your new .ICO file to the root directory of your website and your new Favicon should install automatically! 

2) CSS Checkbox –

If you spend a lot of time writing CSS code, especially in relation to creating and styling form elements such as checkboxes, radio button and input fields, you’ll love this next free web designer resource. Designers looking for nice looking form elements and code, in particular free Checkbox CSS code, can check out CSS Checkbox for a variety of CSS and Image based checkbox styles that are available for free download.

CSS Checkbox sports a relatively large Checkbox code package that is open source, and hosts a CSS Checkbox generator that creates custom Checkbox CSS for specific situations. Whether you’re designing Opt-In forms for Newsletters or Checkout Forms for Ecommerce applications, having nice looking checkboxes from CSS Checkbox goes a long way. These CSS Checkboxes are “class”-based, which means that even if you run a site built on WordPress or Magento, you can retroactively install these beautiful checkbox styles. They even take requests for new checkbox styles, so if you have an idea of your own you can go share it with CSS Checkbox, and if you’re lucky they’ll post the CSS Checkbox style you’ve always dreamed of to their site.

3) CSS 3 Gen –

This site is a really wonderful resource for generating specific CSS styles for your HTML elements. CSS3Gen gives you an incredibly simple interface for creating cross-browser CSS3 styles for some of the more impressive CSS properties included within the CSS3 specification. By using sliders and editing simple configuration values, CSS3Gen can generate CSS code for the CSS box-shadow property, the CSS text-shadow property and the CSS gradient property, all of which are revolutionary when it comes to web design in the sense that prior to CSS3, these effects were achievable only through the use of images. CSS3Gen also provides some awesome tools to create CSS buttons for your menus and forms, as well as a generator for the CSS border-radius property — the CSS property that miraculously allows you to add rounded corners to your HTML elements.

4) Font Squirrel –

If you spend any time on a computer at all, chances are you are at least partially obsessed with fonts that are NOT Times, Helvetica or Arial. If that’s the case, you’ll absolutely love Font Squirrel. This Website offers “handpicked, free fonts”, which are great if you’re working on a personal project or designing something professional on a budget.

In addition to offering a really fabulous directory of sleek and impressive typefaces, Font Squirrel also offers a CSS @font-face Generator tool. This tool basically allows you to upload a font or typeface of your choice, and will subsequently use that typeface to generate a CSS @font-face kit that you can download free of charge. The @font-face kit will provide you several different file formats for your font (this allows for Cross-browser custom font implementation through CSS), a CSS file with example @font-face syntax (the CSS code that allows you to embed custom fonts in a website), and a demo HTML file so you can see your custom fonts in action. A quick word of advice–if you want to give your website or web project a little professional flare, take full advantage of this free tool and Font Squirrel’s incredible font database.

Did you learn something fun or interesting in this post? If so then please share the love and share the wisdom!

photo credit: luxuryluke via photopin cc

5 Best Blogging Topics to Gain Readership

We’ve all heard it before and we know it well by now- blogging should be at the hub of your inbound marketing strategy. The benefits of blogging are numerous and for the sake of originality we will not cover and recite all of the reasons why. Instead we would like to discuss the best 5 ways to gain readership with any one blog post. In the end, it all boils down to content. If you understand the content that people like to read than automatically your blog posts will be more successful in terms of gaining readership, keeping readership, inspiring social media buzz, and persuading action. So here are the best 5 writing topics that will attract readers to your blog.

Check out how to generate business leads with a blog comment!

Here are the top 5 blogging topics to gain readership:

1). Lists. Lists are a great way to categorize and condense otherwise lengthy and/or complex information. It is also a clean and pleasant presentation of information that people would not be intimidated by. Lists enable readers to quickly process information and it also helps readers remember the information.

2). Reviews. Nowadays, consumers are more interested in online reviews than any other time. It has been proven that people trust the reviews and opinions of their friends and family more so than advertisements. If you write a comprehensive review of a product, service, or otherwise strategy – the people will come to hear what you have to say.

3). Tips. The Internet is the number one source for information for just about everybody. People search online by typing questions directly into Google and often times search for the “best tips” on how to do something. If you can provide answers to solve problems then again, the people will come to you.

4). Current Event/News. People want to be informed but often times they don’t want to be the individual responsible for digesting current news. They want to know that the San Diego Chargers traded a defensive player but they also want an insightful analysis of what the implications of this news might be. Will this trade make the Chargers better or worse defensively? If you can summarize a current event or any type of current news and then break down the implications of this news- you’ll find yourself building an online readership quickly.

5). How To’s. People not only want information but they want to learn new things. By presenting your readers with a “how to”, you’ll help them solve a problem while simultaneously proving yourself to be an expert within your industry. It’s a win-win type of deal here. 

Boom, there they are, the top 5 blogging topics that will increase readership and engagement for your blog. Now how easy is it to choose a topic to blog about? 

How to Tell A DoFollow from a NoFollow Link

Seo Services

The Importantance of Building DoFollow Links To Your Site

Some time ago Google gave website owners the ability to designate links on their website as DoFollow or NoFollow. DoFollow links tell Google and other search engines that they should follow the direction of the link and index the relationship between both websites for consideration in rankings. NoFollow links tell Google to ignore the link completely therefore not rewarding the linked-to website with a boost in ranking.

The designation of DoFollow and NoFollow links provides website owners with the ability to link to other websites freely without the worry of passing away too much ranking authority. NoFollow links have also helped to combat spamming techniques when it comes to blog commenting. (We are all familiar with the old school SEO strategy of leaving a blog comment for the mere opportunity to link back to your website rather than for genuine interest of conversation.) The majority of website owners now enable a NoFollow html relevance tag for the purpose of deterring BS blog comments.

So the question for SEO’s becomes, “How do I know which blogs, social bookmarking sites, article submissions sites, and other websites use DoFollow links- so that Google will reward my efforts for building a link back to my site?

A FireFox Plugin that Distinguishes DoFollow from NoFollow Links

There are a few different ways to determine whether a website grants DoFollow or NoFollow links.

1). Ask the website owner

2). Search through the website code for relevance tags

3). Use a Firefox plugin/ applications

For starters you can always ask the website owner if they grant DoFollow or NoFollow links. Sometimes the website admin doesn’t always know the answer to this, is unreachable for questioning, or doesn’t provide you a truthful answer. So then there is option two. You can visit a website and then search the site for the relevance HTMl tag that designates whether a link is DoFollow or NoFollow. An example of what a line of code might look like for a NoFollow link would be:

<a href=”http://www.bostonwaterdamagesupport.com/” rel=”nofollow”>Boston Water damage</a>

Where as a similar DoFollow link would not have the relevance tag = nofollow and would look like.

<a href= “http://www.bostonwaterdamagesupport.com/”>Water damage Boston</a>

The problem with looking through code is that you are literally looking at code which not many people like to do and which is also time consuming not to mention also hurts your eyes. This brings us to option three. Use a Firefox plugin which highlights DoFollow links in purple font and NoFollow links in pink font. Using this Firefox plugin you can visit any site and quickly determine which type of links it uses and whether it is worth your time as an SEO to go ahead and build a link back to your target site.

Download the plugin here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nodofollow/ but not before you leave us a comment down below.

What do you think of the plugin? Will it become a part of your SEO toolbox?

How To Generate Business Leads With a Blog Comment

Online marketing is all about strategy. It is about the effectiveness of your efforts. It is not about quantity as much as it is about quality. And there is so much going on in terms of content via all the different social networks, bookmarking sites, and within the search engines that it is easy to forget your marketing strategy while you are out surfing the internet. Did you know that the average person spends over 2 hours a day browsing the internet? That is over 14 hours a week! That is a lot of personal time. Now granted it is enjoyable to surf the internet, network with your friends, and visit random websites, but is it helping you generate more leads for your business?

How to Surf The Internet For Fun and Still Generate Business Leads

There is a way to surf the internet and simultaneously generate more leads for your business. The strategy looks something like this:

  1. Comment on every article that you read. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the content of the article. Just comment to begin with. By doing so you are leaving a footprint in the digital landscape for which people can trace back to you.
  2. Do not use your name but rather your email. When you are commenting on a blog post and are forced to fill out a form with your information prior to commenting, do not use your name in the name field. Instead use your best email address. The reason being that your answer in the name field of the form normally shows up with your comment. So if you use your email address and leave a smart comment then other readers might see it and decide to email you for business.

*Always use your email in the “name field” of a commenting form so that your email address and not your name shows up with your comment. Now other readers can email you should they desire.

* Now look at Cathy’s comment down below. She filled out the “name field” of the form with her first name which appears above her comment. The problem is that we have no way to contact her should we want to unless we want to spend our precious time looking for her on Facebook.

That’s no too hard to do is it? Now that you know how to generate business leads with a blog comment it is time for you to drop a comment on this post. Increase your digital footprint and let us know if you are familiar with any other great strategies for generating leads online?

GoDaddy’s Servers Crash – How To Protect Your Business Website

GoDaddy Server’s Crash Result of Hacking Mastermind

Millions of websites crashed this morning (September 10th, 2012) as the result of a mastermind hacking group referred to as Anonymous. One Anonymous member is taking credit for bringing down GoDaddy’s servers. The individual tweeted that this was not a group effort but rather the result of his own efforts on behalf of the Anonymous group. Check out these screenshots of social media conversations covering the event.

How to Protect Your Business Website

In 2012 the only way to truly protect your business website is to frequently download and store backup files of your website content on a hard drive and on your personal computer. The truth is that the cloud is not 100% safe and never will be.

To safeguard your business website and any and all important online information we recommend you download and keep a backup file of all this information. Keep a backup file on your personal computer as well as on an additional hard drive or disc.

Best Security WordPress Plugin

At Dinomite SEO we recommend that all WordPress website owners use the Backup Buddy premium wordpress plugin to protect and save the entire content of their business website in a secure manner. Backup Buddy is our choice for safeguarding our website and does two things for you. One on a daily basis it will store your website files in the cloud on a different server from your host. And two, it allows for an easy and quick download of your files to store as a hard copy outside of your computer.

Click here to check out Backup Buddy!

What are you doing to protect your business from potentially losing its number one digital asset?